:og:title: evaluate_normality() - DataSafari Official Docs :og:description: Evaluate normality of numerical data within groups defined by a categorical variable, employing multiple statistical tests, dynamically chosen based on data suitability. :og:image: https://www.datasafari.dev/docs/_static/thumbs/ds-branding-thumb-sub-docs-evaluator.png .. meta:: :description: Evaluate normality of numerical data within groups defined by a categorical variable, employing multiple statistical tests, dynamically chosen based on data suitability. :keywords: DataSafari, DataSafari documentation, normality tests, Shapiro-Wilk, Anderson-Darling, D'Agostino-Pearson, Lilliefors test, statistical normality, data distribution analysis, categorical grouping, consensus method, data analysis, hypothesis testing, pandas DataFrame, Python statistics, automated analysis pipelines, statistical decision making :author: George Dreemer :robots: index, follow ==================== evaluate_normality() ==================== .. currentmodule:: datasafari.evaluator .. autofunction:: evaluate_normality