
df: DataFrame,
target_variable: str,
grouping_variable: str,
normality_info: bool | None = None,
method: str = 'consensus',
pipeline: bool = False,
) dict | bool[source]

Evaluate variance homogeneity across groups defined by a categorical variable within a dataset, using several statistical tests, dynamically chosen based on data suitability.

This function is versatile, allowing for the evaluation of variance homogeneity through several statistical tests, including Levene’s, Bartlett’s, and Fligner-Killeen’s tests.

The power of evaluate_variance() lies in method='consensus', which offers a robust determination of homogeneity, by combining the results of multiple tests to provide a more reliable conclusion on variance homogeneity. For a detailed explanation of the consensus method, refer to the Notes section.



The DataFrame containing the dataset for analysis.


The name of the numerical variable for which the variance homogeneity is to be evaluated.


The name of the categorical variable used to divide the dataset into groups.

normality_infobool, optional, default: None
A boolean indicating the normality of the dataset, which affects the choice of tests.
  • True Normality is assumed, which allows for Bartlett’s test to be performed.

  • False Normality is not assumed, which means Bartlett’s test will not be available.

methodstr, optional, default: ‘consensus’
Specifies the method to evaluate variance homogeneity.
  • 'levene' Uses Levene’s test, suitable for non-normal distributions.

  • 'bartlett' Uses Bartlett’s test, requires normality assumption.

  • 'fligner' Uses Fligner-Killeen’s test, a non-parametric alternative.

  • 'consensus' Combines results from the available tests to reach a consensus.

pipelinebool, optional, default: False
  • True Simplifies the output to a boolean indicating the consensus on equal variances. Useful for integration into automated analysis pipelines.

  • False The output is a dictionary containing results of the respective test(s).


dict or bool
  • dict If pipeline=False, returns a dictionary containing the results of the variance tests, including statistics, p-values, and a conclusion on variance homogeneity.

  • bool If pipeline=True, returns a boolean indicating whether a consensus was reached on variance homogeneity.


  • If df is not a pandas DataFrame.

  • If target_variable or grouping_variable is not a string.

  • If normality_info is provided but is not a boolean.

  • If method is not a string.

  • If pipeline is not a boolean.

  • If the df is empty.

  • If the target_variable or grouping_variable does not exist in the DataFrame.

  • If the method specified is not supported.

  • If the target_variable is not numerical, or if the grouping_variable is not categorical, as determined by evaluating their data types with evaluate_dtype().


Create a DataFrame with mixed data types for the example:

>>> import datasafari
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({
...     'Group': np.random.choice(['A', 'B', 'C'], 100),
...     'Data': np.random.normal(0, 1, 100)
... })

Example 1: Evaluate variance homogeneity using the consensus method:

>>> variance_info = evaluate_variance(df, 'Data', 'Group')

Example 2: Using evaluate_variance in a comprehensive evaluation pipeline:

>>> variance_homogeneity = evaluate_variance(df, 'Data', 'Group', pipeline=True)
>>> if variance_homogeneity:
...     # run tests assuming homogeneity pipeline
>>> else:
...     # treat homogeneity pipeline


Consensus Method: The consensus method in evaluate_variance() combines the results of multiple statistical tests to determine the homogeneity of variances more robustly. The tests included in the consensus method are:

  • Levene’s Test: Suitable for data that may not adhere to normality. It tests the null hypothesis that all input samples are from populations with equal variances.

  • Fligner-Killeen Test: A non-parametric test that is less sensitive to departures from normality. It is useful when dealing with data that might not be normally distributed.

  • Bartlett’s Test: Assumes normality and is sensitive to departures from it. It tests the null hypothesis that all input samples are from populations with equal variances but requires that the data are normally distributed.

    The consensus method works as follows:
    1. Test Execution: All applicable tests are performed on the dataset.

    2. Outcome Evaluation: Each test provides a conclusion on variance homogeneity.

    3. Majority Rule: The final conclusion is based on the majority of test outcomes. If more than half of the tests suggest equal variances, the consensus is ‘equal variances’. If more than half suggest unequal variances, the consensus is ‘unequal variances’.

    4. Tie-Breaker: In the event of a tie (50/50), the result of Levene’s test is given precedence due to its robustness against non-normality.

This method ensures a more reliable conclusion by mitigating the limitations of individual tests, especially in cases where the data may not perfectly meet the assumptions of any single test.