
df: DataFrame,
var1: str,
var2: str,
normality_method: str = 'consensus',
variance_method: str = 'consensus',
exact_tests_alternative: str = 'two-sided',
yates_min_sample_size: int = 40,
) dict[source]

Conduct the optimal hypothesis test on a DataFrame, tailoring the approach based on the variable types and automating the testing prerequisites and analyses, outputting test results and interpretation.

This function simplifies hypothesis testing to requiring only two variables and a DataFrame, intelligently determining the test type, assessing necessary assumptions, and providing detailed test outcomes and conclusions.

The combination of var1 and var2 data types determines the type of hypothesis test to perform:
  • A pairing with two categorical variables triggers categorical testing (e.g., Chi-square, Fisher’s exact test, etc.).

  • A numerical and categorical variable pairing, interpreted as target and grouping variables respectively, leads to numerical testing (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA, etc.).

  • Numerical and numerical variable pairings are not supported.



The DataFrame containing the data for hypothesis testing.


The name of the first variable for hypothesis testing.


The name of the second variable for hypothesis testing.

normality_methodstr, optional, default: ‘consensus’

Specifies the method to evaluate normality within numerical hypothesis testing.

  • 'shapiro' Shapiro-Wilk test.

  • 'anderson' Anderson-Darling test.

  • 'normaltest' D’Agostino and Pearson’s test.

  • 'lilliefors' Lilliefors test for normality.

  • 'consensus' Utilizes a combination of the above tests to reach a consensus on normality.

    Note: For more details, refer to: evaluate_normality() documentation

variance_methodstr, optional, default: ‘consensus’

Determines the method to evaluate variance homogeneity (equal variances) across groups in numerical hypothesis testing.

  • 'levene' Levene’s test, robust to non-normal distributions.

  • 'bartlett' Bartlett’s test, sensitive to non-normal distributions.

  • 'fligner' Fligner-Killeen test, a non-parametric alternative.

  • 'consensus' A combination approach to determine equal variances across methods.

    Note: For more details, refer to: evaluate_variance() documentation

exact_tests_alternativestr, optional, default: ‘two-sided’

For categorical hypothesis testing, this parameter specifies the alternative hypothesis direction for exact tests.

  • 'two-sided' Tests for any difference between the two variables without directionality.

  • 'less' Tests if the first variable is less than the second variable.

  • 'greater' Tests if the first variable is greater than the second variable.

yates_min_sample_sizeint, optional, default: 40

Specifies the minimum sample size threshold for applying Yates’ correction in chi-square testing to adjust for continuity. The correction is applied to 2x2 contingency tables with small sample sizes to prevent overestimation of the significance level.


A dictionary with key the short test name (e.g. 'f_oneway') and value another dictionary which contains all results from that test, namely:
  • 'stat' The test statistic value, quantifying the degree to which the observed data conform to the null hypothesis.

  • 'p_val' The p-value, indicating the probability of observing the test results under the null hypothesis.

  • 'conclusion' A textual interpretation of the test outcome, stating whether the evidence was sufficient to reject the null hypothesis.

  • 'test_name' The full name of the statistical test performed (e.g., ‘Independent Samples T-Test’, ‘Chi-square test’).

    Additional values in certain scenarios may be:
    • 'alternative' Specifies the alternative hypothesis direction used in exact tests (‘two-sided’, ‘less’, ‘greater’).

    • 'yates_correction' A boolean that indicates whether a Yate’s correction was applied used in Chi-square test.

    • 'normality' A boolean that indicates whether the data were found to meet the normality assumption.

    • 'equal_variance' A boolean that indicates whether the data were found to have equal variances across groups.

    • 'tip' Helpful insights or considerations regarding the test’s application or interpretation.


  • If df is not a pandas DataFrame.

  • If var1 or var2 is not a string.

  • If normality_method, variance_method, or exact_tests_alternative is not a string.

  • If yates_min_sample_size is not an integer.

  • If the df is empty.

  • If normality_method is not one of the valid options.

  • If variance_method is not one of the valid options.

  • If exact_tests_alternative is not one of the valid options.

  • If yates_min_sample_size is less than 1.


First, we create a DataFrame with categorical and numerical variables to use in our examples:

>>> import datasafari
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({
...     'Group': np.random.choice(['Control', 'Treatment'], size=100),
...     'Score': np.random.normal(0, 1, 100),
...     'Category': np.random.choice(['Type1', 'Type2'], size=100),
...     'Feature2': np.random.exponential(1, 100)
... })

Scenario 1: Basic numerical hypothesis testing (T-test or ANOVA based on groups)

>>> output_num_basic = predict_hypothesis(df, 'Group', 'Score')

Scenario 2: Numerical hypothesis testing specifying method to evaluate normality

>>> output_num_normality = predict_hypothesis(df, 'Group', 'Score', normality_method='shapiro')

Scenario 3: Numerical hypothesis testing with a specified method to evaluate variance

>>> output_num_variance = predict_hypothesis(df, 'Group', 'Score', variance_method='levene')

Scenario 4: Categorical hypothesis testing (Chi-square or Fisher’s exact test)

>>> output_cat_basic = predict_hypothesis(df, 'Group', 'Category')

Scenario 5: Categorical hypothesis testing with alternative hypothesis specified

>>> output_cat_alternative = predict_hypothesis(df, 'Category', 'Group', exact_tests_alternative='less')

Scenario 6: Applying Yates’ correction in a Chi-square test for small samples

>>> output_yates_correction = predict_hypothesis(df, 'Group', 'Category', yates_min_sample_size=30)

Scenario 7: Comprehensive numerical hypothesis testing using consensus for normality and variance evaluation

>>> output_num_comprehensive = predict_hypothesis(df, 'Group', 'Score', normality_method='consensus', variance_method='consensus')

Scenario 8: Testing with a numerical variable against a different grouping variable

>>> output_different_group = predict_hypothesis(df, 'Feature2', 'Group')

Scenario 9: Exploring exact tests in categorical hypothesis testing for a 2x2 table

>>> df_small = df.sample(20) # Smaller sample for demonstration
>>> output_exact_tests = predict_hypothesis(df_small, 'Category', 'Group', exact_tests_alternative='two-sided')


predict_hypothesis() is engineered to facilitate an intuitive yet powerful entry into hypothesis testing.

Here is a deeper look into its operational logic:
  1. Type Determination and Variable Interpretation:

    • Numerical Testing: Activated when one variable is numerical and the other categorical. The numerical variable is considered the ‘target variable’, subject to hypothesis testing across groups defined by the categorical ‘grouping variable’.

    • Categorical Testing: Engaged when both variables are categorical, examining the association between them through appropriate exact tests.

  2. Assumption Evaluation and Preparatory Checks:

    • For numerical data, it evaluates:
      • Normality: Using methods such as Shapiro-Wilk, Anderson-Darling, D’Agostino’s K-squared test, and Lilliefors test to assess the distribution of data.

      • Homogeneity of Variances: With Levene, Bartlett, or Fligner-Killeen tests to ensure variance uniformity across groups, guiding the choice between parametric and non-parametric tests.

    • For categorical data, it checks:
      • Adequacy of Frequencies: Ensuring observed and expected frequencies support the validity of Chi-square and other exact tests.

      • Table Shape: Determining the applicability of tests like Fisher’s exact test or Barnard’s test, based on the contingency table’s dimensions.

  3. Test Selection and Execution:

    • Numerical Hypothesis Tests may include:
      • T-tests (independent samples, paired samples) for normally distributed data with equal variances.

      • ANOVA or Welch’s ANOVA for comparing more than two groups, under respective assumptions.

      • Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon signed-rank, Kruskal-Wallis H, or Friedman tests as non-parametric alternatives.

    • Categorical Hypothesis Tests encompass:
      • Chi-square test of independence, with or without Yates’ correction, for general association between two categorical variables.

      • Fisher’s exact test for small sample sizes or when Chi-square assumptions are not met.

      • Barnard’s exact test, offering more power in some scenarios compared to Fisher’s test.

      • Boschloo’s exact test, aiming to increase the power further by combining strengths of Fisher’s and Barnard’s tests.

  4. Conclusive Results and Interpretation: Outputs include test statistics, p-values, and clear conclusions.

    • The function demystifies statistical analysis, making it approachable for users across various disciplines, enabling informed decisions based on robust statistical evidence.

This function stands out by automating complex decision trees involved in statistical testing, offering a simplified yet comprehensive approach to hypothesis testing. It exemplifies how advanced statistical analysis can be made accessible and actionable, fostering data-driven decision-making.