
df: DataFrame,
numerical_variables: List[str],
method: str,
output_distribution: str = 'normal',
n_quantiles: int = 1000,
random_state: int = 444,
with_centering: bool = True,
quantile_range: Tuple[float, float] = (25.0, 75.0),
power: float | None = None,
power_map: Dict[str, float] | None = None,
lower_percentile: float = 0.01,
upper_percentile: float = 0.99,
winsorization_map: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]] | None = None,
interaction_pairs: List[Tuple[str, str]] | None = None,
degree: int | None = None,
degree_map: Dict[str, int] | None = None,
bins: int | None = None,
bin_map: Dict[str, List[float]] | None = None,
) Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame][source]

Transform numerical variables in a DataFrame through operations like standardization, log-transformation, various scalings, winsorization, interaction term creation and more.



The DataFrame containing the numerical data to transform.


A list of column names in df that are numerical and will be transformed.

The transformation method to apply.
  • 'standardize' Mean=0, SD=1. Suitable for algorithms sensitive to variable scales.

  • 'log' Natural logarithm transformation for positively skewed data.

  • 'normalize' Scales data to a [0, 1] range. Useful for models sensitive to variable scales.

  • 'quantile' Transforms data to follow a specified distribution, improving statistical analysis.

  • 'robust' Scales data using the median and quantile range, reducing the influence of outliers.

  • 'boxcox' Normalizes skewed data, requires positive values.

  • 'yeojohnson' Similar to Box-Cox but suitable for both positive and negative values.

  • 'power' Raises numerical variables to specified powers for distribution adjustment.

  • 'winsorization' Caps extreme values to reduce impact of outliers.

  • 'interaction' Creates new features by multiplying pairs of numerical variables.

  • 'polynomial' Generates polynomial features up to a specified degree.

  • 'bin' Groups numerical data into bins or intervals.

output_distributionstr, optional, default: ‘normal’

Specifies the output distribution for ‘quantile’ method (‘normal’ or ‘uniform’).

n_quantilesint, optional, default: 1000

Number of quantiles to use for ‘quantile’ method.

random_stateint, optional, default: 444

Random state for ‘quantile’ method.

with_centeringbool, optional, default: True

Whether to center data before scaling for ‘robust’ method.

quantile_rangetuple, optional, default: (25.0, 75.0)

Quantile range used for ‘robust’ method.

powerfloat, optional, default: None

The power to raise each numerical variable for ‘power’ method.

power_mapdict, optional, default: None

A dictionary mapping variables to their respective powers for ‘power’ method.

lower_percentilefloat, optional, default: 0.01

Lower percentile for ‘winsorization’.

upper_percentilefloat, optional, default: 0.99

Upper percentile for ‘winsorization’.

winsorization_mapdict, optional, default: None

A dictionary specifying winsorization bounds per variable.

interaction_pairslist, optional, default: None

List of tuples specifying pairs of variables for creating interaction terms.

degreeint, optional, default: None

The degree for polynomial features in ‘polynomial’ method. Default is None.

degree_mapdict, optional, default: None

A dictionary mapping variables to their respective degrees for ‘polynomial’ method.

binsint, optional, default: None

The number of equal-width bins to use for ‘bin’ method.

bin_mapdict, optional, default: None

A dictionary specifying custom binning criteria per variable for ‘bin’ method.


Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]
  • Original DataFrame with transformed numerical variables.

  • A DataFrame containing only the transformed columns.


  • If df is not a pandas DataFrame.

  • If numerical_variables is not a list.

  • If method is not a string.

  • If output_distribution is provided but not a string.

  • If n_quantiles is not an integer.

  • If random_state is not an integer.

  • If with_centering is not a boolean.

  • If quantile_range is not a tuple of two floats.

  • If power is provided but not a float.

  • If power_map, winsorization_map, degree_map, or bin_map is provided but not a dictionary.

  • If lower_percentile or upper_percentile is not a float.

  • If interaction_pairs is not a list of tuples, or tuples are not of length 2.

  • If degree is provided but not an integer.

  • If bins is provided but not an integer.

  • If the input DataFrame is empty.

  • If ‘numerical_variables’ list is empty.

  • If variables provided through ‘numerical_variables’ are not numerical variables.

  • If any of the specified numerical_variables are not found in the DataFrame’s columns.

  • If the method specified is not one of the valid methods.

  • If output_distribution is not ‘normal’ or ‘uniform’ for the ‘quantile’ method.

  • If n_quantiles is not a positive integer for the ‘quantile’ method.

  • If quantile_range does not consist of two float values in the range 0 to 1 for the ‘robust’ method.

  • If power is not provided for the ‘power’ method when required.

  • If lower_percentile or upper_percentile is not between 0 and 1, or if lower_percentile is greater than or equal to upper_percentile for the ‘winsorization’ method.

  • If degree is not provided or is not a positive integer for the ‘polynomial’ method when required.

  • If bins is not a positive integer for the ‘bin’ method when required.

  • If method is ‘log’, ‘boxcox’ or ‘yeojohnson’ and the provided columns have NAs or Infs raise as these statistical methods are not compatible with NAs or Infs.

  • If specified keys in power_map, winsorization_map, degree_map, or bin_map do not match any column in the DataFrame.

  • If the interaction_pairs specified do not consist of columns that exist in the DataFrame.


Import necessary libraries and generate a DataFrame for examples:

>>> import datasafari
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({
...     'Feature1': np.random.normal(0, 1, 100),
...     'Feature2': np.random.exponential(1, 100),
...     'Feature3': np.random.randint(1, 100, 100)
... })
>>> num_cols = ['Feature1', 'Feature2', 'Feature3']


>>> standardized_data, standardized_cols = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='standardize')

Log transformation:

>>> log_data, log_cols = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='log')


>>> normalized_data, normalized_cols = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='normalize')

Quantile transformation:

>>> quant_transformed_data, quant_transformed_cols = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='quantile', output_distribution='normal', n_quantiles=1000, random_state=444)

Robust scaling:

>>> robust_transformed_df, robust_transformed_columns = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='robust', with_centering=True, quantile_range=(25.0, 75.0))

Box-Cox transformation:

>>> boxcox_transformed_df, boxcox_transformed_columns = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='boxcox')

Yeo-Johnson transformation:

>>> yeojohnson_transformed_df, yeojohnson_transformed_columns = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='yeojohnson')

Power transformation using a uniform power:

>>> power_transformed_df1, power_transformed_columns1 = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='power', power=2)

Power transformation using a power map:

>>> power_map = {'Feature1': 2, 'Feature2': 3, 'Feature3': 4}
>>> power_transformed_df2, power_transformed_columns2 = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='power', power_map=power_map)

Winsorization with global thresholds:

>>> wins_transformed_df1, wins_transformed_columns1 = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='winsorization', lower_percentile=0.01, upper_percentile=0.99)

Winsorization using a winsorization map:

>>> win_map = {'Feature1': (0.01, 0.99), 'Feature2': (0.05, 0.95), 'Feature3': [0.10, 0.90]}
>>> wins_transformed_df2, wins_transformed_columns2 = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='winsorization', winsorization_map=win_map)

Interaction terms:

>>> interactions = [('Feature1', 'Feature2'), ('Feature2', 'Feature3')]
>>> inter_transformed_df, inter_columns = transform_num(df, num_cols, method='interaction', interaction_pairs=interactions)

Polynomial features with a degree map:

>>> degree_map = {'Feature1': 2, 'Feature2': 3}
>>> poly_transformed_df, poly_features = transform_num(df, ['Feature1', 'Feature2'], method='polynomial', degree_map=degree_map)

Binning with a bin map:

>>> bin_map = {'Feature2': {'bins': 5}, 'Feature3': {'edges': [1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]}}
>>> bin_transformed_df, binned_columns = transform_num(df, ['Feature2', 'Feature3'], method='bin', bin_map=bin_map)